1. What do we remember on Anzac Day?
a. The landing of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps at Gallipoli, Turkey
b. The arrival of the first free settlers from Great Britain
c. The landing of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove
2. What are the colours of the Australian Aboriginal Flag?
a. Black, red and yellow
b. Green, white and black
c. Blue, white and green
3. Which official symbol of Australia identifies Commonwealth property?
a. The national anthem
b.Australia's national flower
c. Commonwealth Coat of Arms
4. Which of these statements about Australia's system of government is correct?
a. The Queen of Australia chooses people to form the Australian Parliament
b. The government is elected by the people
c. The Prime Minister chooses our Members of Parliament
5. Which of these is an example of freedom of speech?
a. People can peacefully protest against government decisions
b. Men and women are treated equally in a court of law
c. Australians are free to not follow a religion
6. Which of these statements about government in Australia is correct?
a. The government does not allow some religions
b. Government in Australia is secular
c. Religious laws are passed by parliament
7. Which of these is an example of equality in Australia?
a. Everyone follows the same religion
b. Men and women have the same rights
c. Everyone belongs to the same political party
8. Which of these is a responsibility of Australian citizens aged 18 years or over?
a. To attend local council meetings
b. To vote in elections
c. To have a current Australian passport
9. Which of these is a responsibility of Australian citizens aged 18 years or over?
a. To do local community service
b. To carry a passport at all times
c. To serve on a jury if called to do so
10. Which of these statements about passports is correct?
a. Australian citizens can apply for an Australian passport
b. Permanent residents can hold an Australian passport
c. Australian citizens need a passport and visa to return to Australia
目前,政府已提交立法,称禁止三次考试不及格的人在两年内再次参加考试。反对党移民部的发言人Tony Burke在网上发起了请愿,希望能取消新公民法。
澳洲民族联合委员会的代理首席执行官Mohammad AI-Khafaji表示,这项测试无法反映一个人对澳洲的许诺。