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AFNOR NF标准【中文版翻译+PDF原版】全文获取

1 AFNOR NF EN 60352-2-2006 2006-08-01 French Solderless connections - Part 2 : crimped connections - General requirements, test methods and practical guidance

2 AFNOR NF EN 725-4-2006 2006-08-01 French Advanced technical ceramics - Methods of test for ceramic powders - Part 4 : determination of oxygen content in aluminium nitride by XRF analysis

3 AFNOR NF EN 60282-1-2006 2006-08-01 French High-voltage fuses - Part 1 : current-limiting fuses

4 AFNOR NF EN 60297-3-104-2006 2006-08-01 French Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (19 in) series - Part 3-104 : connector dependent interface dimensions of subracks and plug-in units

5 AFNOR NF EN 60335-2-17/A1-2006 2006-08-01 French Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-17 : particular requirements for blankets, pads and similar flexible heating appliances

6 AFNOR NF EN 60216-4-1-2006 2006-08-01 French Electrical insulating materials - Thermal endurance properties - Part 4-1 : ageing ovens - Single-chamber ovens

7 AFNOR NF EN 50414-2006 2006-08-01 French Test methods for analysis of lead in PVC taken from insulation and sheath of electric and optical fibre cables - Method A : total lead content determination with flame excitation atomic absorption spectrometry - Method B : qualitative analysis of lead by lead sulphide staining

8 AFNOR NF EN 14246-2006 2006-08-01 French Gypsum elements for suspended ceilings - Definitions, requirements and test methods

9 AFNOR NF C15-211-2006 2006-08-01 French Low-voltage electrical installations - Installations in medically used rooms - Modified by NF C15-211 F1:201006 (C15-211F1)

10 AFNOR NF EN 2680-2006 2006-08-01 French Aerospace series - Nuts, anchor, self-locking, floating, self-aligning two lug, in alloy steel, cadmium plated, MoS2 lubricated - Classification : 900 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 235 掳C

11 AFNOR NF EN 50411-2-4-2006 2006-08-01 French Fibre organisers and closures to be used in optical fibre communication systems - Product specifications - Part 2-4 : sealed dome fibre splice closures Type 1, for category S & A

12 AFNOR NF EN 14785-2006 2006-08-01 French Residential space heating appliances fired by wood pellets - Requirements and test methods

13 AFNOR NF EN 14803-2006 2006-08-01 French Identification and/or determination of the quantity of waste

14 AFNOR NF EN 14931-2006 2006-08-01 French Pressure vessels for human occupancy (PVHO) - Multi-place pressure chamber systems for hyperbaric therapy - Performance, safety requirements and testing

15 AFNOR NF EN 12352-2006 2006-08-01 French Traffic control equipment - Warning and safety light devices

16 AFNOR NF E52-140-2006 2006-08-01 French Forged shackles for general lifting purposes - Dee shackles and bow shackles - Grades 4 and 8

17 AFNOR NF EN 15038-2006 2006-08-01 French Translation services - Service requirements

18 AFNOR NF EN 15041-2006 2006-08-01 French Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Antiscalants for membranes - Polyphosphates

19 AFNOR NF E52-142-2006 2006-08-01 French Forged shackles for general lifting purposes - Screwded dee shackles and screwed bow shackles - Grades 3

20 AFNOR NF EN ISO 19901-1-2006 2006-08-01 French Petroleum and natural gas industries - Specific requirements for offshore structures - Part 1 : metocean design and operating considerations

21 AFNOR NF ISO 3800-2006 2006-08-01 French Threaded fasteners - Axial load fatigue testing - Test methods and evaluation of results

22 AFNOR NF EN ISO 7493-2006 2006-08-01 French Dentistry - Operator's stool

23 AFNOR NF EN 623-1-2006 2006-08-01 French Advanced technical ceramics - Monolithic ceramics - General and textural properties - Part 1 : determination of the presence of defects by dye penetration

24 AFNOR NF EN 646-2006 2006-08-01 French Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs - Determination of colour fastness of dyed paper and board

25 AFNOR NF ISO 8133-2006 2006-08-01 French Hydraulic fluid power - Single rod cylinders, 16 MPa (160 bar) compact series - Mounting dimensions for accessories

26 AFNOR NF ISO 7476-2006 2006-08-01 French Nuclear fuel technology - Determination of uranium in uranyl nitrate solutions of nuclear grade quality - Gravimetric method

27 AFNOR XP S61-550-2006 2006-08-01 French Firefighting equipment - Mobile hydraulic platforms (MHP) - MHP of type B and group 1 according to NF EN 1777:2005

28 AFNOR NF ISO 22892-2006 2006-08-01 French Soil quality - Guideline for the identification of target compounds by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry

29 AFNOR NF EN ISO 16000-9-2006 2006-08-01 French Indoor air - Part 9 : determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds from building products and furnishing - Emission test chamber method

30 AFNOR NF EN ISO 16000-10-2006 2006-08-01 French Indoor air - Part 10 : determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds from building products and furnishing - Emission test cell method

31 AFNOR NF EN ISO 16000-11-2006 2006-08-01 French Indoor air - Part 11 : determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds from building products and furnishing - Sampling, storage of samples and preparation of test specimens

32 AFNOR NF ISO 19701-2006 2006-08-01 French Methods for sampling and analysis of fire effluents

33 AFNOR NF EN ISO 8665-2006 2006-08-01 French Small craft - Marine propulsion reciprocating internal combustion engines - Power measurements and declarations

34 AFNOR NF EN ISO 16148-2006 2006-08-01 French Gas cylinders - Refillable seamless steel gas cylinders - Acoustic emission testing (AT) for periodic inspection

35 AFNOR NF EN ISO 16284-2006 2006-08-01 French Ophthalmic optics - Information interchange for ophthalmic optical equipment

36 AFNOR NF EN ISO 13697-2006 2006-08-01 French Optics and phonotics - Lasers and laser-related equipment - Test methods for specular reflectance and transmittance of optical laser components

37 AFNOR NF EN ISO 15011-4-2006 2006-08-01 French Health and safety in welding and allied processes - Laboratory method for sampling fume and gases generated by arc welding - Part 4 : fume data sheets - Modified by NF EN ISO 15011-4/A1:200903 (A88-200-4/A1)

38 AFNOR NF EN ISO 9988-1-2006 2006-08-01 French Plastics - Polyoxymethylene (POM) moulding and extrusion materials - Part 1 : designation system and basis for specifications

39 AFNOR NF EN ISO 14880-3-2006 2006-08-01 French Optics and photonics - Microlens arrays - Part 3 : test methods for optical properties other than wavefront aberrations

40 AFNOR NF EN ISO 14910-1-2006 2006-08-01 French Plastics - Thermoplastic polyester/ester and polyether/ester elastomers for moulding and extrusion - Part 1 : designation system and basis for specifications

41 AFNOR NF EN ISO 14910-2-2006 2006-08-01 French Plastics -Thermoplastic polyester/ester and polyether/ester elastomers for moulding and extrusion - Part 2 : preparation of test specimens and determination of properties

42 AFNOR NF EN 10219-1-2006 2006-08-01 French Cold formed welded structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain steels - Part 1 : technical delivery requirements

43 AFNOR NF EN 60738-1-2006 2006-08-01 French Thermistors - Directly heated positive temperature coefficient - Part 1 : generic specification

44 AFNOR NF EN ISO 17634-2006 2006-08-01 French Welding consumables - Tubular cored electrodes for gas shielded metal arc welding of creep-resisting steels - Classification

45 AFNOR NF EN 54-7/A2-2006 2006-08-01 French Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 7 : smoke detectors - Point detectors using scattered light, transmitted light or ionization

46 AFNOR NF EN 960-2006 2006-08-01 French Headforms for use in the testing of protective helmets

47 AFNOR NF EN 14837-2006 2006-08-01 French Surfaces for sports areas - Determination of slip resistance

48 AFNOR NF EN 14817-2006 2006-08-01 French Railway applications - Suspension components - Air spring control elements

49 AFNOR NF EN 60812-2006 2006-08-01 French Analysis techniques for system reliability - Procedure for failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)

50 AFNOR NF EN 60794-3-21-2006 2006-08-01 French Optical fibre Cables - Part 3-21 : outdoor cables - Detailed specification for optical self-supporting aerial telecommunication cables for use in premises cabling

51 AFNOR NF EN 60794-3-12-2006 2006-08-01 French Optical fibre Cables - Part 3-12 : outdoor cables - Detailed specification for duct and directly buried optical telecommunication cables for use in premises cabling

52 AFNOR NF EN 14535-1-2006 2006-08-01 French Railway applications - Brake discs for railway rolling stock - Part 1 : brake discs pressed or shrunk onto the axle or drive shaft, dimensions and quality requirements

53 AFNOR NF EN 2549-2006 2006-08-01 French Aerospace series - Bolts, normal hexagonal head, close tolerance normal shank, short thread, in titanium alloy, anodized, MoS2 lubricated - Classification : 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315掳C

54 AFNOR NF EN 60770-3-2006 2006-08-01 French Transmitters for use in industrial-process control systems - Part 3 : methods for performance evaluation of intelligent transmitters

55 AFNOR NF EN 302018-2-2006 2006-08-01 French Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM) - Transmitting equipment for the Frequency Modulated (FM) sound broadcasting service - Part 2 : harmonized EN under article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive (V1.2.1)

56 AFNOR NF EN 302018-1-2006 2006-08-01 French Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM) - Transmitting equipment for the Frequency Modulated (FM) sound broadcasting service - Part 1 : technical characteristics and test methods (V1.2.1)

57 AFNOR NF EN 14488-6-2006 2006-08-01 French Testing sprayed concrete - Part 6 : thickness of concrete on a substrate

58 AFNOR NF EN 62282-3-2-2006 2006-08-01 French Fuel cell technologies - Part 3-2 : stationary fuel cell power plants - Performance test methods

59 AFNOR NF EN 13848-2-2006 2006-08-01 French Railway applications - Track - Track geometry quality - Part 2 : measuring systems - Track recording vehicles

60 AFNOR NF EN 61970-1-2006 2006-08-01 French Energy Management system application program interface (EMS-API) - Part 1 : guidelines and general requirements

61 AFNOR NF EN 61970-501-2006 2006-08-01 French Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) - Part 501 : common Information Model Resource Description Framework (CIM RDF) schema

62 AFNOR NF EN 61996-2-2006 2006-08-01 French Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Shipborne voyage data recorder (VDR) - Part 2 : simplified voyage data recorder (S-VDR) - Performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results

63 AFNOR NF EN ISO 10308-2006 2006-08-01 French Metallic coatings - Review of porosity tests

64 AFNOR NF ISO 433/A1-2006 2006-08-01 French Conveyor belts - Marking - Amendment 1

65 AFNOR NF EN 13523-26-2006 2006-08-01 French Coil coated metals - Test methods - Part 26 : resistance to condensation of water

66 AFNOR NF EN 13523-25-2006 2006-08-01 French Coil coated metals - Test methods - Part 25 : resistance to humidity

67 AFNOR NF EN 61591/A1-2006 2006-08-01 French Household range hoods - Methods for measuring performance

68 AFNOR NF EN 9102-2006 2006-08-01 French Aerospace series - Quality systems - First article inspection

69 AFNOR NF EN 9104-2006 2006-08-01 French Aerospace series - Quality management systems - Requirements for Aerospace Quality Management System Certification/Registrations Programs

70 AFNOR NF EN 9132-2006 2006-08-01 French Aerospace series - Quality management systems - Data Matrix Quality Requirements for Parts Marking

71 AFNOR NF EN 60335-2-90-2006 2006-08-01 French Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-90 : particular requirements for commercial microwave ovens

72 AFNOR FD P99-503-2006 2006-08-01 French Interoperability of central computer ticketing systems (Interoperability of Back-Office computer ticketing), INTERBOB

73 AFNOR NF EN 13231-2-2006 2006-08-01 French Railway applications - Track - Acceptance of works - Part 2 : works on ballasted track - Switches and crossings

74 AFNOR NF EN 13231-1-2006 2006-08-01 French Railway applications - Track - Acceptance of works - Part 1 : works on ballasted tracks - Plain line

75 AFNOR XP ISO/TS 19036-2006 2006-08-01 French Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Guidelines for the estimation measurement uncertainty for quantitative determinations - Modified by XP ISO/TS 19036/A1:200902 (V08-205/A1)

76 AFNOR XP CEN/TS 15354-2006 2006-08-01 French Plastics - Extruded and/or calandered, non-reinforced film and sheeting made of plasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-P) - Guidance for characterisation and designation

77 AFNOR FD CEN/TR 15350-2006 2006-08-01 French Mechanical vibration - Guideline for the assessment of exposure to hand-transmitted vibration using available information including that provided by manufacturers of machinery

78 AFNOR NF EN 60556-2006 2006-08-01 French Gyromagnetic materials intended for application at microwave frequencies - Measuring methods for properties

79 AFNOR NF EN 131802-2006 2006-08-01 French Blank Detail Specification : fixed polypropylene film dielectric metal foil d.c. capacitors - Assessment level EZ

80 AFNOR AC X50-828-2006 2006-08-01 French Yachtbroker - Deontology, service commitments and qualifications

81 AFNOR AC X50-111-2006 2006-08-01 French CRM data quality measurement - Reference document for CRM indicators

82 AFNOR NF EN 60598-2-12-2006 2006-08-01 French Luminaires - Part 2-12 : particular requirements - Mains socket-outlet mounted nightlights

83 AFNOR NF EN 60601-1-2/A1-2006 2006-08-01 French Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-2 : general requirements for safety - Collateral standard : electromagn茅tic compatibility - Requirements and tests

84 AFNOR UTE C71-804-2006 2006-08-01 French Self contained emergency escape lightings for sleeping premises open to the public which have no stand-by lighting

85 AFNOR NF T90-421-2006 2006-08-01 French Water quality - Bacteriological examinations of swimming pool water

86 AFNOR NF ISO 6962-2006 2006-08-01 French Nuclear energy - Standard method for testing the long-term alpha irradiation stability of matrices for solidification of high-level radioactive waste

87 AFNOR NF ISO 7152-2006 2006-08-01 French Camping tents and caravan awnings - Vocabulary and list of equivalent terms

88 AFNOR NF P31-202-1/A2-2006 2006-08-01 French DTU 40.21 - Building works - Roof covering made of slipping or grooved clay tiles - Part 1 : technical specifications

89 AFNOR NF EN 14996-2006 2006-08-01 French Water quality - Guidance on assuring the quality of biological and ecological assessments in the aquatic environment

90 AFNOR NF EN 14978-2006 2006-08-01 French Laminate floor coverings - Elements with acrylic based surface layer, eletron beam cured - Specifications, requirements and test methods

91 AFNOR NF EN 50367-2006 2006-08-01 French Railway applications - Current collection systems - Technical criteria for the interaction between pantograph and overhead line (to achieve free access)

92 AFNOR NF EN 1256-2006 2006-08-01 French Gas welding equipment - Specification for hose assemblies for equipment for welding, cutting and allied processes

93 AFNOR NF EN 301-2006 2006-08-01 French Adhesives, phenolic and aminoplastic, for load-bearing timber structures - Classification and performance requirements

94 AFNOR NF ISO 13399-1-2006 2006-08-01 French Cutting tool data representation and exchange - Part 1: overview, fundamental principles and general information model

95 AFNOR NF EN 4035-2006 2006-08-01 French Aerospace series - Rod ends, adjustable with self-aligning double row ball bearing in corrosion resisting steel, reduced internal radial clearance and threaded shank in titanium alloy - Dimensions and loads

96 AFNOR NF EN 1983-2006 2006-08-01 French Industrial valves - Steel ball valves

97 AFNOR FD CEN/TR 14788-2006 2006-08-01 French Ventilation of buildings - Design and dimensioning of residential ventilation systems

98 AFNOR NF EN 1151-1-2006 2006-08-01 French Pumps - Rotodynamic pumps - Circulation pumps having a rated power input not exceeding 200 W for heating installations and domestic hot water installations - Part 1 : Non-automatic pumps, requirements, testing, marking

99 AFNOR NF EN 4040-2006 2006-08-01 French Aerospace series - Bearings, spherical plain in corrosion resisting steel with self-lubrificating liner with wide inner ring - Elevated loads at ambiant temperature - Dimensions and loads

100 AFNOR NF EN 12710-2006 2006-08-01 French Fibreboard drums - Removable head (open head) drums with closing rings with a nominal capacity of 15 l to 250 l

101 AFNOR FD ISO/TR 10064-5-2006 2006-08-01 French Cylindrical gears - Code of inspection practice - Part 5 : recommendations relative to evaluation of gear measuring instruments

102 AFNOR NF EN 50200-2006 2006-08-01 French Method of test for resistance to fire of unprotected small cables for use in emergency circuits

103 AFNOR NF EN 14894-2006 2006-08-01 French LPG equipment and accessories - Cylinder and drum marking

104 AFNOR FD ISO/TR 15462-2006 2006-08-01 French Water quality - Selection of tests for biodegradability

105 AFNOR NF EN 61400-11/A1-2006 2006-08-01 French Wind turbine generator systems - Part 11 : acoustic noise measurement techniques

106 AFNOR NF EN 62141-2006 2006-08-01 French Helical-scan digital video cassette recording format using 12,65 mm magnetic tape and incorporating MPEG-4 compression - Type D-16 Format

107 AFNOR NF EN 62391-2-1-2006 2006-08-01 French Fixed electric double-layer capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 2-1 : blank detail specification - Electric double layer capacitors for power application - Assessment level EZ

108 AFNOR NF EN 61212-1-2006 2006-08-01 French Insulating materials - Industrial rigid round laminated tubes and rods based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 1 : definitions, designations and general requirements

109 AFNOR NF EN 61000-3-2-2006 2006-08-01 French Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-2 : limits - Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current up to and including 16 A per phase) - Modified by NF EN 61000-3-2/A1:200911 (C91-003-2/A1),NF EN 61000-3-2/A2:200911 (C91-003-2/A2)

110 AFNOR NF EN 15031-2006 2006-08-01 French Chemicals used for treatment of swimming pool water - Aluminium based coagulants

111 AFNOR NF EN ISO 19116-2006 2006-08-01 French Geographic information - Positioning services

112 AFNOR NF EN 61966-6-2006 2006-08-01 French Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 6 : front projection displays

113 AFNOR NF EN 2754-2006 2006-08-01 French Aerospace series - Nuts, anchor, self locking, two lug, floating with counterbore - Classification 1100 MPa/235掳C

114 AFNOR NF EN 61212-3-1-2006 2006-08-01 French Insulating materials - Industrial rigid round laminated tubes and rods based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 3 : specifications for individual materials - Sheet 1 : round laminated rolled tubes

115 AFNOR FD X60-212-2006 2006-08-01 French Maintenance - Handbook of instructions maintenance - Definitions and general principles for the wording and layout

116 AFNOR NF EN 60064/A3-2006 2006-08-01 French Tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes - Performance requirements

117 AFNOR NF B54-162-2006 2006-08-01 French Veneer plywood - Framework plywood - Requirements

118 AFNOR NF EN 62391-2-2006 2006-08-01 French Fixed electric double-layer capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 2 : sectional specification - electric double-layer capacitors for power application

119 AFNOR NF EN 2881-2006 2006-08-01 French Aerospace series - Nuts, anchor, self-locking, fuel resistant, sealing, floating, two lug, with counterbore, in corrosion resisting steel, passivated, MoS2 lubricated - Classification : 900 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 120掳C

120 AFNOR NF EN ISO 18472-2006 2006-08-01 French Sterilization of health care products - Biological and chemical indicators - Test equipment

121 AFNOR NF EN ISO 16862-2006 2006-08-01 French Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of sag resistance

122 AFNOR NF EN 60464-3-2/A1-2006 2006-08-01 French Varnishes used for electrical insulation - Part 3 : specifications for individual materials - Sheet 2 : hot curing impregnating varnishes

123 AFNOR NF EN 60512-1-100-2006 2006-08-01 French Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 1-100 : general - Applicable publications

124 AFNOR NF EN 60512-12-1-2006 2006-08-01 French Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 12-1 : soldering tests - Test 12a : solderability, wetting, solder bath method

125 AFNOR NF DTU 61.1 P1/A1-2006 2006-08-01 French Building work - Gas installation in domestic premises - Part 1 : terminology

126 AFNOR NF EN ISO 8257-2-2006 2006-08-01 French Plastics - Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) moulding and extrusion materials - Part 2 : preparation of test specimens and determination of properties

127 AFNOR NF EN ISO 8257-1-2006 2006-08-01 French Plastics - Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) moulding and extrusion materials - Part 1 : designation system and basis for specifications

128 AFNOR NF DTU 61.1 P2/A1-2006 2006-08-01 French Building work - Gas installation in domestic premises - Part 2 : technical specifications - General dispositions

129 AFNOR NF EN 61925-2006 2006-08-01 French Multimedia systems and equipment - Multimedia home server systems - Vocabulary of home server

130 AFNOR NF EN 14432-2006 2006-08-01 French Tanks for the transport of dangerous goods - Tank equipment for the transport of liquid chemicals - Product discharge and air inlet valves

131 AFNOR NF EN 62197-1-2006 2006-08-01 French Connectors for electronic equipment - Quality assessment requirements - Part 1 : generic specification

132 AFNOR NF EN 62389-2006 2006-08-01 French Methods of measurement for DVD players

133 AFNOR NF DTU 61.1 P3-2006 2006-08-01 French Building work - Gas installation in domestic permises - Part 3 : technical specifications - Particular dispositions except the combustion products evacuation - Modified by NF DTU 61.1 P3/A1:201006 (P45-204-3/A1)

134 AFNOR NF EN 60921/A1-2006 2006-08-01 French Ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps - Performance requirements

135 AFNOR NF EN ISO 5172-2006 2006-08-01 French Gas welding equipment - Blowpipes for gas welding, heating and cutting - Specifications and tests

136 AFNOR NF EN 60335-2-73/A1-2006 2006-08-01 French Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-73 : particular requirements for fixed immersion heaters

137 AFNOR NF EN 14701-3-2006 2006-08-01 French Characterization of sludges - Filtration properties - Part 3 : determination of compressibility

138 AFNOR NF EN ISO 14323-2006 2006-08-01 French Resistance spot welding and projection welds - Destructive testing of welds - Specimen dimensions and procedure for impact shear test and cross tension testing

139 AFNOR NF EN 14701-2-2006 2006-08-01 French Characterization of sludges - Filtration properties - Part 2 : determination of the specific resistance to filtration

140 AFNOR NF EN 12300/A1-2006 2006-08-01 French Cryogenic vessels - Cleanliness for cryogenic service

141 AFNOR NF EN 61924-2006 2006-08-01 French Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Integrated navigation systems - Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results

142 AFNOR NF EN 60512-14-2-2006 2006-08-01 French Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 14-2 : sealing tests - Test 14b : sealing - Fine air leakage

143 AFNOR NF EN 60071-1-2006 2006-08-01 French Insulation co-ordination - Part 1 : definitions, principles and rules - Modified by NF EN 60071-1/A1:201007 (C10-100/A1)

144 AFNOR NF EN 927-2-2006 2006-08-01 French Paints and varnishes - Coating materials and coating systems for exterior wood - Part 2 : performance specification

145 AFNOR NF ISO 17470-2006 2006-08-01 French Microbeam analysis - Electron probe microanalysis - Guidelines for qualitative point analysis by wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometry

146 AFNOR NF ISO 1304-2006 2006-08-01 French Rubber compounding ingredients - Carbon black - Determination of iodine absorption number

147 AFNOR NF EN ISO 4589-2/A1-2006 2006-08-01 French Plastics - Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index - Part 2 : ambient-temperature test

148 AFNOR NF EN 1854-2006 2006-08-01 French Pressure sensing devices for gas burners and gas burning appliances

149 AFNOR NF ISO 18287-2006 2006-08-01 French Soil quality - Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) - Gas chromatographic method with mass spectrometric detection (CG-MS)

150 AFNOR NF EN 60512-14-4-2006 2006-08-01 French Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 14-4 : sealing tests - Test 14d : immersion - Waterproof

151 AFNOR NF DTU 61.1 P4-2006 2006-08-01 French Building work - Gas installation in domestic permises - Part 4 : technical specifications - Particular dispositions to the combustion products evacuation - Modified by NF DTU 61.1 P4/A1:201006 (P45-204-4/A1)

152 AFNOR NF ISO 3475-2006 2006-08-01 French Oil of aniseed (Pimpinella anisum L.)

153 AFNOR NF EN 60335-2-54/A11-2006 2006-08-01 French Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-54 : particular requirements for surface-cleaning appliances for household use employing liquids or steam

154 AFNOR NF DTU 61.1 P5-2006 2006-08-01 French Building work - Gas installation in domestic premises - Part 5 : general installations - Modified by NF DTU 61.1 P5/A1:201006 (P45-204-5/A1)

155 AFNOR NF EN 60512-14-5-2006 2006-08-01 French Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 14-5 : sealing tests - Test 14e : immersion at low air pressure

156 AFNOR NF EN 60512-14-6-2006 2006-08-01 French Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 14-6 : sealing tests - Test 14f : interfacial sealing

157 AFNOR NF EN 60335-2-59/A1-2006 2006-08-01 French Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-59 : particular requirements for insect killers

158 AFNOR NF ISO 18116-2006 2006-08-01 French Surface chemical analysis - Guidelines for preparation and mounting of specimens for analysis

159 AFNOR NF M60-812-2-2006 2006-08-01 French Nuclear energy - Measurement of environmental radioactivity - Part 2 : measurement of carbon 14 activity by liquid scintillation in carbon matrices in the environment

160 AFNOR NF DTU 61.1 P6-2006 2006-08-01 French Building work - Gas installations in domestic premises - Part 6 : contract bill of special clauses

161 AFNOR NF EN 62391-1-2006 2006-08-01 French Fixed electric double-layer capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 1 : generic specification

162 AFNOR NF X60-012-2006 2006-08-01 French Maintenance - Vocabulary of components of items and their supply

163 AFNOR NF EN ISO 9173-1-2006 2006-08-01 French Dentistry - Extraction forceps - Part 1 : general requirements and test methods

164 AFNOR NF EN 61347-2-2/A2-2006 2006-08-01 French Lamp controlgear - Part 2-2 : particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic step-down convertors for filament lamps

165 AFNOR NF EN 14175-6-2006 2006-08-01 French Fume cupboards - Part 6 : variable air volume fume cupboards

166 AFNOR NF EN 10269/A1-2006 2006-08-01 French Steels and nickel alloys for fasteners with specified elevated and/or low temperature properties

167 AFNOR NF EN ISO 19125-1-2006 2006-07-01 French Geographic information - Simple feature access - Part 1 : common architecture

168 AFNOR NF EN 62403-2006 2006-07-01 French High Density Recording Format on CD-R/RW disc system - HD-BURN format

169 AFNOR NF S27-100-2006 2006-07-01 French Cinematography - Electronic projection rooms of digital cinema type

170 AFNOR NF R14-336-2006 2006-07-01 French Road vehicles - Retro-reflective registration plates for motor vehicle and trailers - Specifications

171 AFNOR NF ISO 4731-2006 2006-07-01 French Oil of geranium (Pelargonium X ssp.)

172 AFNOR NF ISO 4832-2006 2006-07-01 French Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of coliforms - Colony count technique

173 AFNOR XP CEN/TS 14383-4-2006 2006-07-01 French Prevention of crime - Urban planning and design - Part 4 : shops and offices

174 AFNOR NF ISO 3089-2006 2006-07-01 French Machine tools - Test conditions for self-centring, manually-operated chucks with one piece-jaws

175 AFNOR XP T90-250-2006 2006-07-01 French Water quality - Determination of selected organo-tin compounds in sediments - Gas chromatography method

176 AFNOR NF ISO 18232-2006 2006-07-01 French Health informatics - Messages and communication - Format of length limited globally unique string identifiers

177 AFNOR NF ISO 20553-2006 2006-07-01 French Radiation protection - Monitoring of workers occupationally exposed to a risk of internal contamination with radioactive material

178 AFNOR NF ISO 20785-1-2006 2006-07-01 French Dosemetry for exposures to cosmic radiation in civilian aircraft - Part 1 : conceptual basis for measurements

179 AFNOR NF ISO 21006-2006 2006-07-01 French Internal combustion engines - Engine weight (mass) declaration

180 AFNOR NF ISO 21128-2006 2006-07-01 French Cork stoppers - Determination of oxidizing residues - Iodometric titration method

181 AFNOR NF EN ISO/CEI 15426-2-2006 2006-07-01 French Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture techniques - Bar code verifier conformance specification - Part 2 : Two-dimensional symbols

182 AFNOR NF EN ISO 21871-2006 2006-07-01 French Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of low numbers of presumptive Bacillus cereus - Most probable number technique and detection method

183 AFNOR NF ISO 16028/A1-2006 2006-07-01 French Hydraulic fluid power - Flush-face type, quick-action couplings for use at pressures of 20 MPa (200 bar) to 31,5 MPa (315 bar) - Specifications

184 AFNOR NF EN ISO 19125-2-2006 2006-07-01 French Geographic information - Simple feature access - Part 2 : SQL option

185 AFNOR NF EN 13141-8-2006 2006-07-01 French Ventilation for buildings - Performance testing of components/products for residential ventilation - Part 8 : Performance testing of un-ducted mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation units (including heat recovery) for mechanical ventialtion systems intended for a single room

186 AFNOR NF EN 14185-2-2006 2006-07-01 French Non fatty foods - Determination of N-methylcarbamate residues - Part 2 : HPLC method with clean-up on a diatomaceous earth column

187 AFNOR NF EN 14187-9-2006 2006-07-01 French Cold applied joint sealants - Test methods - Part 9 : function testing of joint sealants

188 AFNOR NF EN 14433-2006 2006-07-01 French Tanks for the transport of dangerous goods - Tank equipment for the transport of liquid chemicals - Foot valves

189 AFNOR NF EN 14488-3-2006 2006-07-01 French Testing sprayed concrete - Part 3 : flexural strengths (first peak, ultimate and residual) of fibre reinforced beam specimens

190 AFNOR NF EN 14701-1-2006 2006-07-01 French Characterization of sludges - Filtration properties - Part 1 : capillary suction time (CST)

191 AFNOR NF EN 14702-1-2006 2006-07-01 French Characterization of sludges - Settling properties - Part 1 : determination of settleability (Determination of the proportion of sludge volume and sludge volume index)

192 AFNOR NF EN 14702-2-2006 2006-07-01 French Characterisation of sludges - Settling properties - Part 2 : determination of thickenability

193 AFNOR NF EN 14895-2006 2006-07-01 French Bitumen and bituminous binders - Stabilisation of binder from bituminous emulsions or from cut-back and fluxed bituminous binders

194 AFNOR NF EN 14901-2006 2006-07-01 French Ductile iron pipes, fittings and accessories - Epoxy coating (heavy duty) of ductile iron fittings and accessories - Requirements and test methods

195 AFNOR NF EN 14909-2006 2006-07-01 French Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Plastic and rubber damp proof courses - Definitions and characteristics

196 AFNOR NF EN ISO 10524-3-2006 2006-07-01 French Pressure regulators for use with medical gases - Part 3 : pressure regulators integrated with cylinder valves

197 AFNOR NF EN ISO 10524-2-2006 2006-07-01 French Pressure regulators for use with medical gases - Part 2 : manifold and line pressure regulators

198 AFNOR NF EN 60950-23-2006 2006-07-01 French Information technology equipment - Safety - Part 23 : large data storage equipment

199 AFNOR NF EN 1151-2-2006 2006-07-01 French Pumps - Rotodynamic pumps - Circulation pumps having a rated power input not exceeding 200 W for heating installations and domestic hot water installations - Part 2 : noise test code (vibro-acoustics) for measuring structure- and fluid-borne noise

200 AFNOR NF EN 1948-3-2006 2006-07-01 French Stationary source emissions - Determination of the mass concentration of PCDDs/PCDFs and dioxin-like PCBs - Part 3 : identification and quantification of PCDDs/PCDFs

201 AFNOR NF EN 1990/A1-2006 2006-07-01 French Eurocode - Basis for Design

202 AFNOR NF EN 60454-3-2-2006 2006-07-01 French Pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes for electrical purposes - Part 3 : specifications for individual materials - Sheet 2 : requirements for polyester film tapes with rubber thermosetting, rubber thermoplastic or acrylic crosslinked adhesives

203 AFNOR NF EN 60454-3-12-2006 2006-07-01 French Pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes for electrical purposes - Part 3 : specifications for individual materials - Sheet 12 : requirements for polyethylene and polypropylene film tapes with pressure sensitive adhesives

204 AFNOR NF EN 60455-3-5-2006 2006-07-01 French Resin based reactive compounds used for electrical insulation - Part 3 : specifications for individual materials - Sheet 5 : unsaturated polyester based impregnating resins

205 AFNOR NF ISO 17874-4-2006 2006-07-01 French Remote handling devices for radioactive materials - Part 4 : power manipulators

206 AFNOR NF EN 61347-2-2/A1-2006 2006-07-01 French Lamp controlgear - Part 2-2 : particular requirements for d.c. or a.c. supplied electronic step-down convertors for filament lamps

207 AFNOR NF EN 61347-2-1/A1-2006 2006-07-01 French Lamp controlgear - Part 2-1 : particular requirements for starting devices (other than glow starters)

208 AFNOR NF EN 4174-2006 2006-07-01 French Aerospace series - Collars, swage locking, sheartype, in aluminium alloy 2024, anodized or chromated, metric series

209 AFNOR NF EN ISO 4892-3-2006 2006-07-01 French Plastics - Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources - Part 3 : fluorescent UV lamps

210 AFNOR NF EN 15140-2006 2006-07-01 French Public passenger transport - Basic requirements and recommendations for systems that measure delivered service quality

211 AFNOR NF E86-330-2006 2006-07-01 French Horizontal cylindrical tanks - Welded supports

212 AFNOR NF E86-301-2006 2006-07-01 French Vertical cylindrical tanks - Lifting pins

213 AFNOR NF E86-257-2006 2006-07-01 French Vertical cylindrical storage tanks - General characteristics

214 AFNOR NF E86-255-2006 2006-07-01 French Storage tanks - Parallelepipedic steel tanks with a capacity of 1 500 litres and more for aboveground storage of various liquids

215 AFNOR NF EN ISO 6877-2006 2006-07-01 French Dentistry - Root-canal obturating points

216 AFNOR NF EN 61280-4-4-2006 2006-07-01 French Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures - Part 4-4 : cable plants and links - Polarization mode dispersion measurement for installed links

217 AFNOR NF EN ISO 4491-3-2006 2006-07-01 French Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods - Part 3 : hydrogen-reducible oxygen

218 AFNOR NF EN 61280-2-11-2006 2006-07-01 French Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures - Part 2-11 : digital systems - Averaged Q-factor determination using amplitude histogram evaluation for optical signal quality monitoring

219 AFNOR NF EN 15110-2006 2006-07-01 French Water quality - Guidance standard for the sampling of zooplankton from standing waters

220 AFNOR NF EN 61249-4-5-2006 2006-07-01 French Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 4-5 : sectional specification set for prepreg materials, unclad - Polyimide, modified or unmodified, woven E-glass prepreg of defined flammability

221 AFNOR NF EN 61249-4-2-2006 2006-07-01 French Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 4-2 : sectional specification set for prepreg materials, unclad - Multifunctional epoxide woven E-glass prepreg of defined flammability

222 AFNOR GA D32-309-2006 2006-07-01 French Residential solid fuel burning appliances - Interpretation guide of the rules defined by NF EN 13229, NF EN 13240 and NF EN 12815

223 AFNOR FD ISO/TR 22305-2006 2006-07-01 French Cigarettes - Measurement of nicotine-free dry particulate matter, nicotine, water and carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke - Analysis of data from collaborative studies reporting relationships between repeatibility, reproductibility and tolerances

224 AFNOR NF EN 302326-2-2006 2006-07-01 French Fixed radio systems - Multipoint Equipment and antennas - Part 2 : harmonized EN covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive for digital multipoint radio equipment (V1.1.1)

225 AFNOR NF EN 50342-1-2006 2006-07-01 French Lead-acid starter batteries - Part 1 : general requirements and methods of test

226 AFNOR NF EN 61499-4-2006 2006-07-01 French Function blocks - Part 4 : rules for compliance profiles

227 AFNOR NF EN 301428-2006 2006-07-01 French Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES)- Harmonized EN for very small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) - Transmit-only, transmit/receive or receive-only satellite earth stations operating in the 11/12/14 GHz frequency bands covering essential requirements under article 3.2 of the R&TTE directive (V1.3.1)

228 AFNOR NF H35-056-2006 2006-07-01 French Bottling industry - Glass bottles - 75 cl champagne bottle

229 AFNOR NF EN ISO 11737-1-2006 2006-07-01 French Sterilization of medical devices - Microbiological methods - Part 1 : determination of a population of microorganisms on products

230 AFNOR NF EN 61326-1-2006 2006-07-01 French Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 1 : general requirements

231 AFNOR NF EN 15058-2006 2006-07-01 French Stationary source emissions - Determination of the mass concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) - Reference method : non-dispersive infrared spectrometry

232 AFNOR NF ISO 18650-2-2006 2006-07-01 French Building construction machinery and equipment - Concrete mixers - Part 2 : procedure for examination of mixing efficiency

233 AFNOR NF EN 61326-2-1-2006 2006-07-01 French Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 2-1 : particular requirements - Test configurations, operational conditions and performance criteria for sensitive test and measurement equipment for EMC unprotected applications

234 AFNOR NF H35-060-2006 2006-07-01 French Bottling industry - Glass bottles - "Six star" litre bottle

235 AFNOR NF EN 61326-2-2-2006 2006-07-01 French Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 2-2 : particular requirements - Test configurations, operational conditions and performance criteria for portable test, measuring and monitoring equipment used in low-voltage distribution systems

236 AFNOR CWA 15582-2006 2006-07-01 French e-Invoice Reference Model for EU VAT purposes specification

237 AFNOR NF EN ISO 3738-2-2006 2006-07-01 French Hardmetals - Rockwell hardness test (scale A) - Part 2 : preparation and calibration of standard test blocks

238 AFNOR NF EN 14944-1-2006 2006-07-01 French Influence of cementitious products on water intended for human consumption - Test methods - Part 1 : influence of factory made cementitious products on organoleptic parameters

239 AFNOR NF EN 61326-2-6-2006 2006-07-01 French Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 2-6 : particular requirements - In-vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical equipment

240 AFNOR CWA 15581-2006 2006-07-01 French Guidelines for eInvoicing Service Providers

241 AFNOR NF ISO 80000-3-2006 2006-07-01 French Quantities and units - Part 3 : space and time

242 AFNOR CWA 15580-2006 2006-07-01 French Storage of Electronic Invoices

243 AFNOR NF S99-171-2006 2006-07-01 French Maintenance of medical devices - Model and definition for establishment and management of the medical device security, quality and maintenance register (RSQM)

244 AFNOR NF EN 15055-2006 2006-07-01 French Non fatty foods - Determination of chlormequat and mepiquat - LC-MS/MS method

245 AFNOR NF EN 50393-2006 2006-07-01 French Test methods and requirements for accessories for use on distribution cables of rated voltage 0,6/1,0 (1,2) kV

246 AFNOR NF EN 15054-2006 2006-07-01 French Non fatty foods - Determination of chlormequat and mepiquat - LC-MS method

247 AFNOR NF H35-120-2006 2006-07-01 French Bottling industry - Glass bottles - 75 cl "Non-returnable Bourgogne" bottle

248 AFNOR NF H35-121-2006 2006-07-01 French Bottling industry - Glas bottles - 75 cl "Non-returnable Bordeaux" bottle

249 AFNOR NF H35-122-2006 2006-07-01 French Bottling industry - Glass bottle - 75 cl "Traditionnal method" bottle

250 AFNOR NF H35-123-2006 2006-07-01 French Bottling industry - Glass bottles - "Bourgogne traditional" 75 cl bottle

251 AFNOR NF EN ISO 8502-11-2006 2006-07-01 French Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 11 : field method for the turbidimetric determination of water-soluble sulfate

252 AFNOR NF H35-124-2006 2006-07-01 French Bottling industry - Glass bottles - "Bordeaux traditional" 75 cl bottle

253 AFNOR NF ISO 35/A1-2006 2006-07-01 French Natural rubber latex concentrate - Determination of mechanical stability - Amendement 1 : precision data

254 AFNOR NF EN 15051-2006 2006-07-01 French Workplace atmospheres - Measurement of the dustiness of bulk materials - Requirements and reference test methods

255 AFNOR NF ISO 8083-2006 2006-07-01 French Machinery for forestry - Falling-object protective structures (FOPS) - Laboratory tests and performance requirements

256 AFNOR CWA 15578-2006 2006-07-01 French Survey of VAT Data Element usage in the Member States and the use of codes for VAT Exemptions

257 AFNOR NF EN ISO 13468-2-2006 2006-07-01 French Plastics - Determination of the total luminous transmittance of transparent materials - Part 2 : double-beam instrument

258 AFNOR NF ISO 3684/A1-2006 2006-07-01 French Conveyor belts - Determination of minimum pulley diameters

259 AFNOR NF EN ISO 11607-2-2006 2006-07-01 French Packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices - Part 2 : validation requirements for forming, sealing and assembly processes

260 AFNOR NF EN 10210-1-2006 2006-07-01 French Hot finished structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain steels - Part 1 : technical delivery conditions

261 AFNOR NF EN 1392-2006 2006-07-01 French Adhesives for leather and footwear materials - Solvent-based and dispersion adhesives - Testing of bond strength under specific conditions

262 AFNOR CWA 15577-2006 2006-07-01 French A standardised set of codes with definitions to replace plain text clauses in elnvoice messages for VAT exemptions

263 AFNOR NF EN 4111-2006 2006-07-01 French Aerospace series - Wrenches, splined, socket for pipe fittings - Technical specification

264 AFNOR CWA 15557-2006 2006-07-01 French Scenarios and XML Templates for B2B in the Textile clothing Manufacturing and retail

265 AFNOR NF ISO 3864-3-2006 2006-07-01 French Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Part 3 : design principles for graphical symbols use in safety signs

266 AFNOR NF ISO 8132-2006 2006-07-01 French Hydraulic fluid power - Single rod cylinders, 16 MPa (160 bar) medium and 25 MPa (250 bar) series - Mounting dimensions for accessories

267 AFNOR NF ISO 5468-2006 2006-07-01 French Rotary and rotary impact masonry drill bits with hardmetal tips - Dimensions

268 AFNOR NF EN 14786-2006 2006-07-01 French Protective clothing - Determination of resistance to penetration by sprayed liquid chemicals, emulsions and dispersions - Atomizer test

269 AFNOR NF EN ISO 15023-1-2006 2006-07-01 French Plastics - Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVAL) materials - Part 1 : designation system and basis for specifications

270 AFNOR NF EN ISO 15023-2-2006 2006-07-01 French Plastics - Poly(vinyl alcohol)(PVAL) materials - Part 2 : determination of properties

271 AFNOR NF EN 61308-2006 2006-07-01 French High-frequency dielectric heating installations - Test methods for the determination of power output

272 AFNOR CWA 15576-2006 2006-07-01 French Recommandation to allow coded identifiers as an alternative to the current unstructured clear text identifications

273 AFNOR CWA 15575-2006 2006-07-01 French The list of invoice content details identified in the directive 2001/115/CE expressed as UN/CEFECT Core Components

274 AFNOR CWA 15574-2006 2006-07-01 French Commission Recommendation 1994/820/EC October 1994, proposed revision with the requirements of Directive 2001/115/EC, present day e-Commerce practices and revised definition of EDI Electronic Data Interchange

275 AFNOR NF EN 14764-2006 2006-07-01 French City and trekking bicycles - Safety requirements and test methods

276 AFNOR NF EN 725-8-2006 2006-07-01 French Advanced technical ceramics - Methods of test for ceramic powders - Part 8 : determination of tapped bulk density

277 AFNOR NF EN ISO 14663-1-2006 2006-07-01 French Plastics - Ethylene/vinyl alcohol (EVOH) copolymer moulding and extrusion materials - Part 1 : designation system and basis for specifications

278 AFNOR NF EN ISO 14663-2-2006 2006-07-01 French Plastics - Ethylene/vinyl alcohol (EVOH) copolymer moulding and extrusion materials - Part 2 : preparation of test specimens and determination of properties

279 AFNOR NF EN 60601-2-27-2006 2006-07-01 French Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-27 : particular requirements for the safety, including essential performance, of electrocardiographic monitoring equipment

280 AFNOR NF H35-041-2006 2006-07-01 French Bottling industry - Glass bottles - 75 cl "pressure type" bottle

281 AFNOR NF EN 61347-2-8/A1-2006 2006-07-01 French Lamp controlgear - Part 2-8 : particular requirements for ballasts for fluorescent lamps

282 AFNOR NF H35-053-2006 2006-07-01 French Bottling industry - Glass bottles - 75 cl light "Fl没te Alsace" wine bottle

283 AFNOR NF EN 61377-1-2006 2006-07-01 French Railway applications - Rolling stock - Part 1 : combined testing of inverter-fed alternating current motors and their control

284 AFNOR XP E29-190-2-2006 2006-07-01 French Gas pressure regulators for distribution and service lines - Part 2 : type B Regulators

285 AFNOR NF EN 12999/A2-2006 2006-07-01 French Cranes - Loader cranes

286 AFNOR NF EN ISO 7784-1-2006 2006-07-01 French Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to abrasion - Part 1 : rotating abrasive-paper-covered wheel method

287 AFNOR NF EN 4172-2006 2006-07-01 French Aerospace series - Lockbolts, protruding head, sheartype, close tolerance, in titanium alloy TI-P64001, anodized, metric series - Classification : 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315 掳C

288 AFNOR FD S90-119-2006 2006-07-01 French Terminal units for medical gas pipeline systems - Terminal units for air for driving surgical tools and corresponding probes

289 AFNOR NF EN 12079-2-2006 2006-07-01 French Offshore containers and associated lifting sets - Part 2 : lifting sets - Design, manufacture and marking

290 AFNOR NF EN 12079-3-2006 2006-07-01 French Offshore containers and associated lifting sets - Part 3 : periodic inspection, examination and testing

291 AFNOR NF EN 60079-27-2006 2006-07-01 French Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 27 : fieldbus intrinsically safe concept (FISCO) and Fieldbus non-incendive concept (FNICO)

292 AFNOR NF EN ISO 4263-4-2006 2006-07-01 French Petroleum and related products - Determination of the ageing behaviour of inhibited oils and fluids - TOST Test - Part 4 : procedure for industrial gear oils

293 AFNOR NF EN 12517-1-2006 2006-07-01 French Non-destructive testing of welds - Part 1 : Evaluation of welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys by radiography - Acceptance levels

294 AFNOR NF ISO 6022-2006 2006-07-01 French Hydraulic fluid power - Mounting dimensions for single rod cylinders, 25 MPa (250 bar) series

295 AFNOR NF EN 15074-2006 2006-07-01 French Chemicals used for treatment of swimming pool water - Ozone

296 AFNOR NF EN 54-21-2006 2006-07-01 French Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 21 : alarm transmission and fault warning routing equipment

297 AFNOR NF EN 60730-2-12-2006 2006-07-01 French Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2-12 : particular requirements for electrically operated door locks - Modified by NF EN 60730-2-12/A11:200807 (C47-742/A11)

298 AFNOR NF EN ISO 3928-2006 2006-07-01 French Sintered metal materials, excluding hardmetals - Fatigue test pieces

299 AFNOR NF EN ISO 13944-2006 2006-07-01 French Lubricated metal-powder mixes - Determination of lubricant content - Modified Soxhlet extraction method

300 AFNOR XP T47-751-2006 2006-07-01 French Non reusable used tyres (NRUT) - Determination of the format of products from primary schredding - Manual method based on the measurement of the largest projected length

301 AFNOR NF ISO 6973-2006 2006-07-01 French Drop-forged rivetless chains for conveyors

302 AFNOR FD CEN/TR 15349-2006 2006-07-01 French Hardware for furniture - Terms for extension elements and their components

303 AFNOR NF ISO 6020-2-2006 2006-07-01 French Hydraulic fluid power - Mounting dimensions for single rod cylinders, 16 MPa (160 bar) series - Part 2 : compact series

304 AFNOR NF EN 15078-2006 2006-07-01 French Chemicals used for treatment of swimming pool water - Sulfuric acid

305 AFNOR FD CEN/TR 15252-2006 2006-07-01 French Characterisation of sludges - Protocol for validating methods for physical properties of sludges

306 AFNOR FD CEN/TR 15225-2006 2006-07-01 French Guidance on Factory Production Control for the CE Marking (Attestation of Conformity 2+) of designed masonry mortars

307 AFNOR XP CEN/TS 15149-3-2006 2006-07-01 French Solid biofuels - Methods for the determination of particle size distribution - Part 3 : Rotary screen method

308 AFNOR XP CEN/TS 15185-2006 2006-07-01 French Furniture - Assessment of the surface resistance to abrasion

309 AFNOR XP CEN/TS 15186-2006 2006-07-01 French Furniture - Assessment of the surface resistance to scratching

310 AFNOR NF EN 14488-5-2006 2006-07-01 French Testing sprayed concrete - Part 5 : determination of energy absorption capacity of fibre reinforced slab specimens

311 AFNOR NF EN 14488-7-2006 2006-07-01 French Testing sprayed concrete - Part 7 : fibre content of fibre reinforced concrete

312 AFNOR NF DTU 65.14 P1-2006 2006-07-01 French Building works - Construction of hot water operated underfloor heating - Part 1 : contract hill of technical clauses - Separate, insulated floor tiles

313 AFNOR NF EN 130800/A1-2006 2006-07-01 French Sectional Specification : tantalum surface mounting capacitors

314 AFNOR NF P52-211-1/A2-2006 2006-07-01 French DTU 65.3 - Building works - Heat exchange installations for pressurised hot water - Part 1 : technical specifications

315 AFNOR NF EN 62271-108-2006 2006-07-01 French High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 108 : high-voltage alternating current disconnecting circuit-breakers for rated voltages of 72,5 kV and above

316 AFNOR NF EN 521-2006 2006-07-01 French Specifications for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances - Portable vapour pressure liquefied petroleum gas appliances

317 AFNOR AC X50-194-2006 2006-07-01 French Management tools - Strategic Information management - Good practices and experience feedback

318 AFNOR AC X35-501-2006 2006-07-01 French Label Tourism and Handicap - Requirements

319 AFNOR NF EN 966/A2-2006 2006-07-01 French Helmets for airborne sports

320 AFNOR NF EN 14638-1-2006 2006-07-01 French Transportable gas cylinders - Refillable welded receptacles of a capacity not exceeding 150 litres - Part 1 : welded austenitic stainless steel cylinders made to a design justified by experimental methods

321 AFNOR AC H35-125-2006 2006-07-01 French Bottling industry - Glas bottles - Single flat glass finish

322 AFNOR UTE C66-558-2006 2006-07-01 French Capacitance graded outdoor bushing 52 kV up to 420 kV for oil immersed transformers

323 AFNOR UTE C71-802 F2-2006 2006-07-01 French Fiche d'interpr茅tation n掳71-802 F2 du guide UTE C71-802 d'avril 2001

324 AFNOR NF EN 14877-2006 2006-07-01 French Synthetic surfaces for outdoor sports areas - Specification

325 AFNOR UTE C73-997-2006 2006-07-01 French Guidance for training maintenance technicians of refrigerators, freezers and combined appliances for household use employing a flammable refrigerant

326 AFNOR NF E29-011-2006 2006-07-01 French Pipework components - Termes and definition

327 AFNOR NF E29-041-2006 2006-07-01 French Industrial pipework - Reduced shank bolts - Specifications

328 AFNOR NF X08-003-1-2006 2006-07-01 French Graphical symbols - Safety colours and visual safety signs - Part 1 : design principles

329 AFNOR NF X08-003-3-2006 2006-07-01 French Graphical symbols - Safety colours and visual safety signs - Part 3 : standardized visual safety signs

330 AFNOR NF EN 14675-2006 2006-07-01 French Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of virucidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in veterinary field - Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 1)

331 AFNOR NF S84-801-2006 2006-07-01 French Horlogy - Wheel work shape and dimensions

332 AFNOR NF EN 14034-3-2006 2006-07-01 French Determination of explosion characteristics of dust clouds - Part 3 : determination of the lower explosion limit LEL of dust clouds

333 AFNOR NF EN 14034-2-2006 2006-07-01 French Determination of explosion characteristics of dust clouds - Part 2 : determination of the minimum rate of explosion pressure rise (dp/dt)max of dust clouds

334 AFNOR NF EN ISO 6270-2-2006 2006-07-01 French Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to humidity - Part 2 : procedure for exposing test specimens in condensation-water atmospheres

335 AFNOR NF EN ISO 16000-1-2006 2006-07-01 French Indoor air - Part 1 : general aspects of sampling strategy

336 AFNOR NF EN 60730-2-2/A1-2006 2006-07-01 French Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2-2 : Particular requirements for thermal motor protectors

337 AFNOR NF ISO 11345-2006 2006-07-01 French Rubber - Assessment of carbon black and carbon black/silica dispersion - Rapid comparative methods

338 AFNOR NF EN ISO 16000-2-2006 2006-07-01 French Indoor air - Part 2 : sampling strategy for formaldehyde

339 AFNOR NF EN ISO 20837-2006 2006-07-01 French Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of food-borne pathogens - Requirements for sample preparation for qualitative detection

340 AFNOR NF EN ISO 20838-2006 2006-07-01 French Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of food-borne pathogens - Requirements for amplification and detection for qualitative methods

341 AFNOR NF EN ISO 13802-2006 2006-07-01 French Plastics - Verification of pendulum impact-testing machines - Charpy, Izod and tensile impact-testing

342 AFNOR NF ISO 14442-2006 2006-07-01 French Water quality - Guidelines for algal growth inhibition tests with poorly soluble materials, volatile compounds, metals and waste water

343 AFNOR NF ISO 21869-2006 2006-07-01 French Rubber compounding ingredients - Magnesium oxide - Methods of test

344 AFNOR NF EN 60335-2-77-2006 2006-07-01 French Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-77 : particular requirements for pedestrian controlled mains-operated lawnmowers

345 AFNOR NF EN ISO 11137-1-2006 2006-07-01 French Sterilization of health care products - Radiation - Part 1 : requirements for development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices

346 AFNOR NF B10-601-2006 2006-07-01 French Quarry products - Natural stones - General prescriptions for use of natural stones

347 AFNOR NF EN ISO 21469-2006 2006-07-01 French Safety of machinery - Lubricants with incidental product contact - Hygiene requirements

348 AFNOR NF EN 4401-2006 2006-07-01 French Aerospace series - Lockbolts, protruding head, sheartype, close tolerance, in titanium alloy TI-P64001, with aluminium pigmented coating, metric series - Classification : 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 315 掳C

349 AFNOR NF EN 4402-2006 2006-07-01 French Aerospace series - Lockbolts, 100掳 countersunk normal head, sheartype, close tolerance, in titanium alloy TI-P64001, with aluminium pigmented coating, metric series - Classification : 1 100 Mpa (at ambient temperature) / 315掳C

350 AFNOR NF EN ISO 7784-2-2006 2006-07-01 French Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to abrasion - Part 2 : rotating abrasive rubber wheel method

351 AFNOR NF EN 61744-2006 2006-07-01 French Calibration of fibre optic chromatic dispersion test sets

352 AFNOR NF EN ISO 11833-2-2006 2006-07-01 French Plastics - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) sheets - Types, dimensions and characteristics Part 2 : sheets of thickness less than 1mm

353 AFNOR NF EN ISO 11816-1-2006 2006-07-01 French Milk and milk products - Determination of alkaline phosphatase activity - Part 1 : fluorimetric method for milk and milk-based drinks

354 AFNOR NF EN 13369/A1-2006 2006-07-01 French Common rules for precast concrete products

355 AFNOR NF EN 1507-2006 2006-07-01 French Ventilation for buildings - Sheet metal air ducts with rectangular section - Requirements for strength and leakage

356 AFNOR NF EN ISO 7784-3-2006 2006-07-01 French Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to abrasion - Part 3 : reciprocating test panel method

357 AFNOR NF EN 54-3/A2-2006 2006-07-01 French Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 3 : fire alarm devices - Sounders

358 AFNOR FD T90-522-2006 2006-07-01 French Water quality - Sampling technical guide for the detection of Legionella in water

359 AFNOR FD T90-521-2006 2006-07-01 French Water quality - Sampling technical guide for the health monitoring of swimming pool and bathing water in compliance with the Public Health Code

360 AFNOR NF EN ISO 4022-2006 2006-07-01 French Permeable sintered metal materials - Determination of fluid permeability

361 AFNOR NF EN 14984-2006 2006-07-01 French Liming materials - Determination of product effect on soil pH - Soil incubation method

362 AFNOR NF EN 12079-1-2006 2006-07-01 French Offshore containers and associated lifting sets - Part 1 : offshore container - Design, manufacture and marking

363 AFNOR NF EN ISO 11064-7-2006 2006-06-01 French Ergonomic design of control centres - Part 7 : principles for the evaluation of control centres

364 AFNOR NF ISO 7097-1-2006 2006-06-01 French Nuclear fuel technology - Determination of uranium in solutions, uranium hexafluoride and solids - Part 1 : iron (II) reduction/potassium dichromate oxidation/titrimetric method

365 AFNOR NF EN 14872-2006 2006-06-01 French Bicycles - Accessories for bicycles - Luggage carriers

366 AFNOR NF EN 130800-2006 2006-06-01 French Sectional Specification : tantalum surface mounting capacitors - Modified by NF EN 130800/A1:200607 (C83-113/A1)

367 AFNOR NF ISO 24347-2006 2006-06-01 French Agricultural vehicles - Mechanical connections between towed and towing vehicles - Dimensions of ball-type coupling device (80 mm)

368 AFNOR NF EN ISO 21570-2006 2006-06-01 French Foodstuffs - Methods of analysis for the detection of genetically modified organisms and derived products - Quantitative nucleic acid based methods

369 AFNOR NF EN 130801-2006 2006-06-01 French Blank Detail Specification : tantalum surface mounting capacitors

370 AFNOR NF EN 15062-2006 2006-06-01 French Adhesives for leather and footwear materials - Solvent-based and dispersion adhesives - Testing ageing of bonds under specified conditions

371 AFNOR NF P34-205-1/A1-2006 2006-06-01 French DTU 40.35 - Building works - Roofing with profiled sheeting made of coated steel sheet - Part 1 : technical clauses

372 AFNOR NF EN ISO 6360-7-2006 2006-06-01 French Dentistry - Number coding system for rotary instruments - Part 7 : specific characteristics of mandrels and special instruments

373 AFNOR NF ISO 5832-5-2006 2006-06-01 French Implants for surgery - Metallic materials - Part 5 : wrought cobalt-chromium-tungsten-nickel alloy

374 AFNOR NF EN 14988-2-2006 2006-06-01 French Children's high chair - Part 2 : test methods

375 AFNOR NF EN 60335-1/A12-2006 2006-06-01 French Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 1 : general requirements

376 AFNOR NF EN ISO 12086-1-2006 2006-06-01 French Plastics - Fluoropolymer dispersion and moulding and extrusion materials - Part 1 : designation system and basis for specifications

377 AFNOR NF EN 14988-1-2006 2006-06-01 French Children's high chair - Part 1 : safety requirements

378 AFNOR NF EN 1309-2-2006 2006-06-01 French Round and sawn timber - Method of measurement of dimensions - Part 2 : round timber - Requirements for measurement and volume calculation rules

379 AFNOR NF D60-013-2006 2006-06-01 French Protocol for assessment of the ignitability of upholstered furniture - Ignition source equivalent to a burning 20 g paper cushion - Coverings and upholstery materials

380 AFNOR NF EN 302326-1-2006 2006-06-01 French Fixed radio systems - Multipoint equipment and antennas - Part 1 : overview and requirements for digital multipoint radio systems (V1.1.1)

381 AFNOR NF EN 62040-2-2006 2006-06-01 French Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 2 : electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements

382 AFNOR NF ISO 6299-2006 2006-06-01 French Petroleum products - Determination of dropping point of lubricating greases (wide temperature range)

383 AFNOR NF EN ISO 4167-2006 2006-06-01 French Polyolefin agricultural twines

384 AFNOR NF EN 62305-1-2006 2006-06-01 French Protection against lightning - Part 1 : general principles

385 AFNOR NF EN 1873-2006 2006-06-01 French Prefabricated accessories for roofing - Individual roof lights of plastics - Product specification and test methods

386 AFNOR NF ISO 14064-1-2006 2006-06-01 French Greenhouse gases - Part 1 : specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals

387 AFNOR NF EN 13232-9-2006 2006-06-01 French Railway applications - Track - Switches and crossings - Part 9 : layouts

388 AFNOR NF EN 511-2006 2006-06-01 French Protective gloves against cold

389 AFNOR NF EN 12094-5-2006 2006-06-01 French Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems - Part 5 : requirements and test methods for high and low pressure selector valves and their actuators

390 AFNOR NF EN 12873-4-2006 2006-06-01 French Influence of materials on water intended for human consumption - Influence due to migration - Part 4 : test method for water treatment membranes

391 AFNOR NF EN 13232-7-2006 2006-06-01 French Railway applications - Track - Switches and crossings - Part 7 : crossings with moveable parts

392 AFNOR NF EN 1071-4-2006 2006-06-01 French Advanced technical ceramics - Methods of test for ceramic coatings - Part 4 : determination of chemical composition by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA)

393 AFNOR NF EN 12873-3-2006 2006-06-01 French Influence of materials on water intended for human consumption - Influence due to migration - Part 3 : test method for ion exchange and adsorbent resins

394 AFNOR NF ISO 11054-2006 2006-06-01 French Cutting tools - Designation of high-speed steel groups

395 AFNOR NF EN 12574-2-2006 2006-06-01 French Stationary waste containers - Part 2 : performance requirements and test methods

396 AFNOR NF EN 60684-3-233-2006 2006-06-01 French Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3 : specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 233 : heat-shrinkable, fluoroelastomer sleeving, flame-retarded, fluid resistant, shrink ratio 2:1

397 AFNOR NF ISO 14064-2-2006 2006-06-01 French Greenhouse gases - Part 2 : specification with guidance at the project level for quantification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements

398 AFNOR NF EN ISO 10322-2-2006 2006-06-01 French Ophthalmic optics - Semi-finished spectacle lens blanks - Part 2 : specifications for progressive power lens blanks

399 AFNOR NF EN 1996-2-2006 2006-06-01 French Eurocode 6 - Design of masonry structures - Part 2 : design considerations, selection of materials and execution of masonry

400 AFNOR NF EN ISO 10322-1-2006 2006-06-01 French Ophthalmic optics - Semi-finished spectacle lens blanks - Part 1 : specifications for single-vision and multifocal lens blanks

401 AFNOR UTE C77-220-2006 2006-06-01 French Electrical safety - Classification of interfaces for equipment to be connected to information and communications technology networks

402 AFNOR NF EN 1996-3-2006 2006-06-01 French Eurocode 6 - Design of masonry structures - Part 3 : simplified calculation methods for unreinforced masonry structures

403 AFNOR NF ISO 7097-2-2006 2006-06-01 French Nuclear fuel technology - Determination of uranium in solutions, uranium hexafluoride and solids - Part 2 : iron (II) reduction/cerium (IV) oxidation/titrimetric method

404 AFNOR XP CEN/TS 15357-2006 2006-06-01 French Solid recovered fuels - Terminology, definitions and descriptions

405 AFNOR NF EN 806-3-2006 2006-06-01 French Specifications for installations inside buildings conveying water for human consumption - Part 3 : pipe sizing - Simplified mehod

406 AFNOR NF ISO 14064-3-2006 2006-06-01 French Greenhouse gases - Part 3 : specification with guidance for the validation and verification of greenhouse gas assertions

407 AFNOR XP CEN/TS 15358-2006 2006-06-01 French Solid recovered fuels - Quality management systems - Particular requirements for their application to the production of solid recovered fuels

408 AFNOR XP CEN/TS 15359-2006 2006-06-01 French Solid recovered fuels - Specifications and classes

409 AFNOR NF EN 3155-008-2006 2006-06-01 French Aerospace series - Electrical contacts used in elements of connection - Part 088 : contacts, electrical, male, type A, crimp, class S - Product standard

410 AFNOR NF ISO 13992-2006 2006-06-01 French Alpine touring ski-bindings - Requirements and test methods

411 AFNOR XP CEN/TS 14689-2006 2006-06-01 French Leather - Physical and mechanical tests - Determination of bagginess, creep and relaxation

412 AFNOR NF EN 3155-019-2006 2006-06-01 French Aerospace series - Electrical contacts used in elements of connection - Part 019 : contacts, electrical, female, type A, crimp, class S - Product standard

413 AFNOR NF EN 3155-018-2006 2006-06-01 French Aerospace series - Electrical contacts used in elements of connection - Part 018 : Contacts, electrical, male, type A, crimp, class S - Product standard

414 AFNOR NF EN ISO 463-2006 2006-06-01 French Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Dimensional measuring equipment - Design and metrological characteristics of mechanical dial gauges

415 AFNOR NF EN 15086-2006 2006-06-01 French Foodstuffs - Determination of isomalt, lactitol, maltitol, mannitol, sorbitol and xylitol in foodstuffs

416 AFNOR NF EN ISO 10253-2006 2006-06-01 French Water quality - Marine algal growth inhibition test with Skeletonema costatum and Phaeodactylum tricornutum

417 AFNOR NF A57-711-2006 2006-06-01 French Foundry products - Aluminium, aluminium-, magnesium- and zinc - Alloys pressure die castings - Supplying

418 AFNOR NF EN 60705/A2-2006 2006-06-01 French Household microwave ovens - Methods for measuring performance

419 AFNOR NF T90-346-2006 2006-06-01 French Water quality - Dispersive products - Evaluation in an aqueous medium of the "ultimate" aerobic biodegradability

420 AFNOR NF EN 2266-003-2006 2006-06-01 French Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, for general purpose - Operating temperatures between - 55 掳C and 200 掳C - Part 003 : ink jet printable - Product standard

421 AFNOR NF EN 301843-6-2006 2006-06-01 French Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM) - ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for marine radio equipment and services - Part 6 : specific conditions for Earth Stations on board Vessels operating in frequency bands above 3GHz (V1.1.1)

422 AFNOR NF ISO 5834-2-2006 2006-06-01 French Implants for surgery - Ultra-high molecular-weight polyethylene - Part 2 : moulded forms

423 AFNOR NF EN 14471-2006 2006-06-01 French Chimneys - System chimneys with plastic flue liners - Requirements and test methods

424 AFNOR NF EN 15029-2006 2006-06-01 French Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Iron (III) hydroxide oxide

425 AFNOR NF P99-334-2006 2006-06-01 French Road information and control : road control language - Application to traffic data processing and measurement units - Tests

426 AFNOR NF EN 1948-1-2006 2006-06-01 French Stationary source emissions - Determination of the mass concentration of PCDDs/PCDFs and dioxin-like PCBs - Part 1 : sampling of PCDDs/PCDFs

427 AFNOR NF EN 62217-2006 2006-06-01 French Polymeric insulators for indoor and outdoor use with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V - General definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria

428 AFNOR NF ISO 16796-2006 2006-06-01 French Nuclear energy - Determination of Gd2O3 content in gadolinium fuel blends and gadolinium fuel pellets by atomic emission spectrometry using an inductively coupled plasma source (ICP-AES)

429 AFNOR NF EN 12691-2006 2006-06-01 French Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Bitumen, plastic and rubber sheets for roof waterproofing - Determination of resistance to impact

430 AFNOR NF EN 61242/A12-2006 2006-06-01 French Electrical accessories - Cable reels for household and similar purposes

431 AFNOR NF EN 584-1-2006 2006-06-01 French Non destructive testing - Industrial radiographic film - Part 1 : classification of film systems for industrial radiography

432 AFNOR NF EN 14904-2006 2006-06-01 French Surfaces for sports areas - Indoor surfaces for multi-sports use - Specification

433 AFNOR NF ISO 5389-2006 2006-06-01 French Turbocompressors - Performance test code

434 AFNOR NF EN 14900-2006 2006-06-01 French Textile floor coverings - Determination of the density of the textile fleece backing

435 AFNOR NF P99-321-1-2006 2006-06-01 French Road information and control - Road meteorological data collection systems - Part 1 : specifications

436 AFNOR NF EN ISO 17201-4-2006 2006-06-01 French Acoustics - Noise from shooting ranges - Part 4 : prediction of projectile sound

437 AFNOR NF EN 61347-2-3/A2-2006 2006-06-01 French Lamp controlgear - Part 2-3 : particular requirements for a.c. supplied electronic ballasts for fluorescent lamps

438 AFNOR NF EN 55013/A2-2006 2006-06-01 French Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement

439 AFNOR NF EN 215/A1-2006 2006-06-01 French Thermostatic radiator valves - Requirements and test methods

440 AFNOR NF ISO 3160-1-2006 2006-06-01 French Watch-cases and accessories - Gold alloy coverings - Part 1 : general requirements

441 AFNOR NF EN 60929-2006 2006-06-01 French AC-Supplied electronic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps - Performance requirements

442 AFNOR NF EN ISO 22478-2006 2006-06-01 French Water quality - Determination of certain explosives and related compounds - Method using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV detection

443 AFNOR NF EN 60454-3-8-2006 2006-06-01 French Pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes for electrical purposes - Part 3 : specifications for individual materials - Sheet 8 : woven fabric tapes with pressure-sensitive adhesive based on glass, cellulose acetate alone or combined with viscose fibre

444 AFNOR NF ISO 16795-2006 2006-06-01 French Nuclear energy - Determination of Gd2O3 content of gadolinium fuel pellets by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry

445 AFNOR NF E86-032-2006 2006-06-01 French Vertical cylindrical tanks of unalloyed and alloy steel - Skirts

446 AFNOR NF EN ISO 21787-2006 2006-06-01 French Industrial valves - Globe valves of thermoplastic materials

447 AFNOR NF EN 60311/A1-2006 2006-06-01 French Electric irons for household or similar use - Methods for measuring performance

448 AFNOR NF EN 60464-1/A1-2006 2006-06-01 French Varnishes used for electrical insulation - Part 1 : definitions and general requirements

449 AFNOR NF EN 60464-2/A1-2006 2006-06-01 French Varnishes used for electrical insulation - Part 2 : methods of test

450 AFNOR NF EN 60464-3-1/A1-2006 2006-06-01 French Varnishes used for electrical insulation - Part 3 : specifications for individual materials - Sheet 1 : ambient curing finishing varnishes

451 AFNOR NF EN ISO 19106-2006 2006-06-01 French Geographic information - Profiles

452 AFNOR NF EN 14460-2006 2006-06-01 French Explosion resistant equipment

453 AFNOR NF ISO 13203-2006 2006-06-01 French Chains, sprockets and accessories - List of equivalent terms

454 AFNOR NF EN 60512-9-3-2006 2006-06-01 French Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 9-3 : endurance test - Test 9c : mechanical operation (engaging/separating) with electrical load

455 AFNOR FD ISO/TR 15916-2006 2006-06-01 French Basic considerations for the safety of hydrogen systems

456 AFNOR NF EN 50310-2006 2006-06-01 French Application of equipotential bonding and earthing in buildings with information technology equipment

457 AFNOR NF EN 60512-12-2-2006 2006-06-01 French Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 12-2 : soldering tests - Test 12b : solderability, wetting, soldering iron method

458 AFNOR NF EN 581-1-2006 2006-06-01 French Outdoor furniture - Seating and tables for camping, domestic and contract use - Part 1 : general safety requirements

459 AFNOR NF EN 60512-12-3-2006 2006-06-01 French Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 12-3 : soldering tests - Test 12c : solderability, de-wetting

460 AFNOR NF EN 60512-12-4-2006 2006-06-01 French Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 12-4 : soldering tests - Test 12d : resistance to soldering heat, solder bath method

461 AFNOR NF EN 62129-2006 2006-06-01 French Calibration of optical spectrum analyzers

462 AFNOR NF EN 60512-12-5-2006 2006-06-01 French Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 12-5 : soldering tests - Test 12e : resistance to soldering heat, soldering iron method

463 AFNOR NF EN 60512-13-1-2006 2006-06-01 French Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 13-1 : mechanical operation tests - Test 13a : engaging and separating forces

464 AFNOR NF EN ISO 18757-2006 2006-06-01 French Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) - Determination of specific surface area of ceramic powders by gas adsorption using the BET method

465 AFNOR NF EN 60512-13-2-2006 2006-06-01 French Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 13-2 : mechanical operation tests - Test 13b : insertion and withdrawal forces

466 AFNOR NF EN 60512-13-5-2006 2006-06-01 French Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 13-5 : mechanical operation tests - Test 13e : polarizing and keying method

467 AFNOR NF EN ISO 18753-2006 2006-06-01 French Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) - Determination of absolute density of ceramic powders by pyknometer

468 AFNOR NF EN 1948-2-2006 2006-06-01 French Stationary source emissions - Determination of the mass concentration of PCDDs/PCDFs and dioxin-like PCBs - Part 2 : extraction and clean-up of PCDDs/PCDFs

469 AFNOR CEN/TS 772-22-2006 2006-06-01 French Methods of test for masonry units - Part 22: Determination of freeze/thaw resistance of clay masonry units

470 AFNOR NF T60-627-2006 2006-06-01 French Petroleum products and lubricants - Dropping point of lubricating greases - Automatic apparatus method

471 AFNOR NF E86-031-2006 2006-06-01 French Vertical cylindrical tanks of unalloyed and alloy steel - Supporting shoes

472 AFNOR NF EN 15028-2006 2006-06-01 French Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Sodium chlorate

473 AFNOR NF EN 14741-2006 2006-06-01 French Thermoplastics piping and ducting systems - Joints for buried non-pressure applications - Test method for the long-term sealing performance of joints with elastomeric seals by estimating the sealing pressure

474 AFNOR NF EN ISO 9241-110-2006 2006-06-01 French Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Part 110 : dialogue principles

475 AFNOR NF EN 13952/A1-2006 2006-06-01 French LPG Equipment and accessories - Filling procedures for LPG cylinders

476 AFNOR NF EN 13126-8-2006 2006-06-01 French Building hardware - Requirements and test methods for windows and doors heigt windows - Part 8 : tilt and turn, Tilt-First and Turn-Only hardware

477 AFNOR NF EN ISO 9342-2-2006 2006-06-01 French Optics and optical instruments - Test lenses for calibration of focimeters - Part 2 : test lenses for focimeters used for measuring contact lenses

478 AFNOR NF EN ISO 12625-8-2006 2006-06-01 French Tissue paper and tissue products - Part 8 : water absorption time and water-absorption capacity, basket-immersion test method

479 AFNOR NF E86-033-2006 2006-06-01 French Vertical cylindrical tanks of unalloyed and alloy steel - Subplates

480 AFNOR NF EN 60664-4-2006 2006-06-01 French Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems - Part 4 : consideration of high-frequency voltage stress

481 AFNOR NF EN 12094-6-2006 2006-06-01 French Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems - Part 6 : requirements and test methods for non-electrical disable devices

482 AFNOR FD X06-100-2006 2006-06-01 French Application of statistics - Aid for selection of the standardised statistical method satisfying user needs

483 AFNOR FD ISO 7331-2006 2006-06-01 French Ski-poles for alpine skiing - Requirements and test methods

484 AFNOR NF E48-421-2006 2006-06-01 French Hydraulic fluid power - Identification of cartride valves's housings of drilled blocks

485 AFNOR NF EN 1011-6-2006 2006-06-01 French Welding - Recommendation for welding of metallic materials - Part 6 : laser beam welding

486 AFNOR NF EN 62329-1-2006 2006-06-01 French Heat shrinkable moulded shapes - Part 1 : definitions and general requirements

487 AFNOR NF EN 725-9-2006 2006-06-01 French Advanced technical ceramics - Methods of test for ceramic powders - Part 9 : determination of un-tamped bulk density

488 AFNOR NF EN 60335-2-43/A1-2006 2006-06-01 French Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-43 : particular requirements for clothes dryers and towel rails

489 AFNOR NF E39-004-2006 2006-06-01 French District heating - Hot or cold water transport and distribution networks - Particularities of installation

490 AFNOR CWA 15556-3-2006 2006-06-01 French Product Description and Classification - Part 3 : results of development in harmonization of product classifications and in multinlingual electronic catalogues and their respective data modelling

491 AFNOR NF EN 61400-1-2006 2006-06-01 French Wind turbines - Part 1 : design requirements

492 AFNOR NF ISO 19932-1-2006 2006-06-01 French Equipment for crop protection - Knapsack sprayers - Part 1 : requirements and test methods

493 AFNOR NF EN 61755-1-2006 2006-06-01 French Fibre optic connector optical interfaces - Part 1 : optical interfaces for single mode non-dispersion shifted fibres - General and guidance

494 AFNOR NF EN 60384-19-1-2006 2006-06-01 French Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 19-1 : blank detail specification - Fixed metallized polyethylene-terephthalate film dielectric surface mount d.c. capacitors - Assessment level EZ

495 AFNOR NF E39-003-2006 2006-06-01 French District heating - Hot or cold water transport and distribution networks - Particularities of calculation

496 AFNOR NF EN 60384-19-2006 2006-06-01 French Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 19 : sectional specification - Fixed metallized polyethylene-terephthalate film dielectric surface mount d.c. capacitors

497 AFNOR NF K11-112-2006 2006-06-01 French Production of cheques forms standardised - Production of cheques forms standardised according to NF K11-111 standard

498 AFNOR NF EN 61300-3-29-2006 2006-06-01 French Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-29 : examinations and measurements - Measurement techniques for characterizing the amplitude of the spectral transfer function of DWDM components

499 AFNOR NF EN 61788-6-2006 2006-06-01 French Superconductivity - Part 6 : mechanical properties measurement - Room temperature tensile test of Cu/Nb-Ti composite superconductors

500 AFNOR NF EN 14951-2006 2006-06-01 French Solid hardwood panelling and cladding - Machined profiles elements

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